When Morris the fishmonger and Minnie the hat seller fall in love, Morris comes up with a wedding plan designed to deliver the very best for his beloved bride-to-be . . . with unexpected consequences. In Kensington Market Morris sells all kinds of fish from the lake. Across the way Minnie sells hats straight from Paris. One day their eyes meet, and they fall in love. Morris wants to give Minnie a beautiful home with fine furnishings, but he is only a poor fishmonger. And so he comes up with a brilliant plan -- he will make their wedding so fancy that their guests will have to shower them with lavish gifts. His Minnie will live like a movie star! Morris's plan backfires, of course, but like all good love stories, the tale ends in a happy -- if surprising -- fashion. Cary Fagan's witty adaptation of "The Ghetto Wedding” by Abraham Cahan is accompanied by Regolo Ricci's vibrant illustrations, resulting in a timeless and delightful tale.
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