The El Pensamiento was a ship loaded with a treasure belonging to Sir Francis Mollinson of Scotland. It was a hoard of Viking treasures he'd discovered that'd made him a very rich man. He was afraid bank robbers were going to steal his treasure so he had it put on the El Pensamiento and taken to Cartagena in Colombia, South America. From there he planned to transport it to a fortress he'd bought in the highlands of Colombia. He had 100 well armed soldiers with him when he left Cartagena, then the soldiers, the treasure and Sir Mollinson disappeared from the face of the earth nearly a century ago. That's the kind of thing Sam gets fired up about betting we can figure out what happened and find the treasure. I wasn't takin any bets against it. We asked Dr. Jack Crawford to join us and he jumped at the chance. He didn't know it when we asked him but we was going to get an equal share of the treasure if we found it. When we got to Cartagena we discover the fortress Sir Mollinson was headed for was in the middle of cannibal country. Not only that we have to fight our way through hostile savages just to get to there.
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