The Legacy of Marie Schlau
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**** All proceeds from each book goes directly to research to cure Friedreich's Ataxia **** When the spirit of Marie Schlau, a German Jewish girl born in Frankfurt in 1830, awakens in her grave in the cemetery of Wurzburg, she is determined to unravel the unanswered questions which have branded her existence, casting an ominous shadow upon her descendants. An enigmatic illness marks her life and those of her bloodline, their personal destinies dogged by mysterious diagnoses, accidents, disappearances, murder, love, tenderness, greed, lies and death . Marie relives those confusing years of her life while watching over her great-great grandson Ron Mc Klyn, as he discovers secrets that have remained hidden for more than a century. *** Submerge yourself into this passionate and emotional story that will not leave you wanting. Innovative, original, creative and united ... Collaborating Organizations: - Navarra rare diseases group GERNA - FEDER Foundation for the Research of Rare Diseases The pseudonym A.F. BABEL represents the 17 authors of this collective novel: María Blasco (Spain), Jamie Leigh Hansen (USA), Diego Plaza (Spain), Eva Plaza (Spain), Rebecca Stant (Australia), Pilar A. Tolosana (Spain), Marguerite Black (South Africa), M. Luz G. Casas (Spain), María Pino Brumberg (Spain), Ramón Roldán (Spain), Nicola Batty (UK), Susan A. Carter (USA), Fátima D´Oliveira (Portugal), Kristina Zarrantz (Spain), Inma Priego (Spain), Sarah Allen (UK), Claudia Parada (Mexico). 13 of the 17 authors of this collective novel suffer from Friedreich's ataxia, a neurodegenerative illness that currently has no cure. This illness attacks children and young adults, crippling them and shortening their lives. This degeneration causes uncoordinated movements, scoliosis, dysphagia, dysarthria, and in many cases diabetes and serious heart problems. in a fairly short time,they are forced to use a wheelchair and to become dependent on the care of their families or third parties. Only their intellect and creative talents are left unaffected. BabelFAmily is a non-profit association that takes a pro-active stance in the fight against Friedreich's ataxia. Their ongoing, invaluable support brought this project light. The Legacy of Marie Schlau currently exists in Spanish and is being translated into other languages by a volunteer team of professional translators. All proceeds from the sale of this novel, in any language and any format, will be devoted to curing Friedreich's ataxia. More information on the web: Mail address: Website:
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2017
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1518744265
    • ISBN13: 9781518744266
    • Jan-2017
    • BabelFAmily Association
    • eBook (Kindle)

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