"The Last Call" is the story of James Patrick Cameron, a man in his late twenties who grows unhappy with his dysfunctional life-a life he is desperate to change but feels powerless to do so.
James lives and works in the same blue-collar town where he was raised. He hangs out with his two high school friends at the neighborhood bar. He works for his alcoholic father, James Patrick "Booby" Cameron Sr., the owner of a local contracting company, and is terrorized by his father's vice president, Mike Munro, who has a raging drug addiction.
James moves aimlessly through life, drinking too much and caring too little. When he meets Shannon O'Rourke, a woman who motivates him to put his life in order, he knows he must make some changes. He starts working out, avoids his nightly appointments at the bar, and becomes more active in his father's business. But an escalating series of unfortunate events culminates in a decision that will change his life forever ...