In the wild chaos of a post-apocalyptic Florida panhandle, a reluctant hero navigates a zombie-infested hellscape, battling madmen and hurricanes, all while reluctantly donning the crown of the Narco King—because when the world goes mad, someone's got to rule the freak show!INHALE TO THE KING, BABY! It’s just a law of the universe: Whenever there’s a power vacuum, something will rise to fill it. You might not always like what rises to the top, though. . . . After the Fall, after the plague that turned a significant portion of humanity into mindless zombies or corpses, the people who weren’t turned had to do whatever it took to survive. Down in the Florida panhandle, life wasn’t easy for the survivors. They needed a system to keep them going, someone to organize them to fight against the ravaging zombies, raging hurricanes, and each other. Luckily, even though mainstream culture was destroyed, a parallel structure was already in place. ALL HAIL THE NARCO KING! But uneasy lies the crown on the head of a man with even the vestiges of human dignity. Eric Magnus Lamont might just be the right man, in the right place, at the right time. THE KING OF FLORCUBATAMP!
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