The Joy of My Life
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State's Attorney Steven Peterson falls in love with a woman named Joy who is on a murderous rampage to get revenge. He finds himself making the biggest decision of his life to have her. Joy is a lion-heart with the mind of a genius. An advanced mind goes crazy when trapped in an 8x12 cell. Being between cement and iron bars give the mind too much time to think and plot about the return to society to get her revenge. Anger and evilness comes out when rage runs rapid in one's brain, and nothing can tame the wild beast inside of her. The car was already started. Joy put the car in reverse and backed out of the alley as two bullets flew through the windshield. She whipped the car out of the alley. A bullet flew through the driver side window and entered her jaw. The sight of her bloody son motivated her past the pain and she sped off. She never drove so fast, or dodged through traffic so swiftly before she ran the car into the entrance of Maryland General Hospital. She pulled Alonzo out of the car and carried him into the emergency room. Her mouth was so numb from the bullet that she could not tell the receptionist what was wrong. She just laid Alonzo's bloody body on top of the receptionist's counter. Everybody scrambled fast and got Alonzo some medical attention. She was so worried about her son that she did not care about the bullet in her jaw. Joy had fire in her eyes and a trail of destruction behind her and Steven could not let her go to jail, when she ended up in Steven's courtroom. CJ moved to North Carolina on the witness protection program. The state never give people protection like the FBI. CJ left town, on his own, and hid in Durham. His uncle Freddie lives there and sells a little cocaine on the side. If Freddie would have known that CJ was an informant, he would have took CJ out back and shot CJ himself. However, CJ had Freddie fooled. Sandra found CJ, because the DEA tracked him to 89 Birchchest Road, Durham, NC. The DEA watched CJ for a couple of days, in search of a new informant/f***-boy, until Sandra called the agents off. Freddie's house is deep in the woods. Everybody has land so the houses are spread out, separated by deep woods. CJ felt that he really found a safe spot to hide. Donald Mack sends two of his best workers, K and G, to deal with CJ. A Yukon truck drives down a narrow gravel road with thick woods on both sides of the road. The truck stops in front of the mailbox with the number 89 on it. K and G get out of the truck then the truck drives off. K and G walks down the long gravel road. K carries a .12 gauge pistol-grip shotgun, with a silencer attached. G carries two Desert Eagles equipped with silencers. They take soft steps creeping through the night. After fifteen minutes of walking, K and G approach Freddie's house. They check their guns to make sure that everything is functional. All of the lights are on in the house. K peeks in the house through an open window to find their victim. CJ and Freddie sit on the couch drinking beers and watching TV. That is when K's foot kicks the front door open. K's shotgun sounds like a constant sneeze as lead shots and slugs swarm from out of the silencer. CJ and Freddie almost jump out of their skin as lead shots and slug rip the room apart. They crawl on their hands and knees praying that they can get away. Freddie crawls to the closet and grabs his rifle. G jumps over the couch and put two bullets in Freddie's head, before Freddie can load the rifle. CJ rises to his feet, ready to take off running, but K appears and put two bullets in CJ's head. CJ's head splits open, causing his brains to fly everywhere. The truck pulls up to the house. K walks to the truck and pulls out a gas can then returns to the house. K soaks everything in the living room with gasoline. As K and G walks out of the house, K throws a flaming newspaper into the living room. The house engulfs in flames.
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2014
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1499666640
    • ISBN13: 9781499666649
    • Apr-2013
    • https:/
    • eBook

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