Now the first mate of a large frigate, Sarkin feels that his life as a pirate is nearly perfect. But during a routine raid of a merchant vessel he rescues a teenage boy about to be killed by a soldier and instantly plunges the whole crew into a new adventure. Krift has a special talent, and a strange mark on his forehead. A mark like that made by a Griffin's claw.Skon Yew's griffin, Nightwing, is still at large in the world. And he is collecting people from around the known world with talents like Krift's.When the ship is attacked by the griffin, Captain Leighton is touched by evil magic and Krift is kidnapped by Nightwing. Sarkin knows that the only way to save his grandfather is to walk right into the griffin's lair. But he'll need the help of a dangerous young woman to do it. A young woman who will change his whole world with her beautiful, chilling magic.
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