The Grey Fairy Book
By Various
Edited by Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books are a series of twenty-five collections of true and fictional stories for children, published between 1889 and 1913. The best known books of the series are the twelve collections of fairy tales, known as Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's Fairy Books of Many Colors. In all, the volumes feature 798 stories, besides the 153 poems in The Blue Poetry Book.
Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic. As acknowledged in the prefaces, although Lang himself made most of the selections, his wife and other translators did a large portion of the translating and retelling of the actual stories.
According to Anita Silvey, "The irony of Lang's life and work is that although he wrote for a profession--literary criticism; fiction; poems; books and articles on anthropology, mythology, history, and travel...he is best recognized for the works he did not write."
Donkey SkinThe Goblin PonyAn Impossible EnchantmentThe Story Of Dschemil and DschemilaJanni and the DrakenThe Partnership of the Thief and the Liar.Fortunatus and His PurseThe Goat-faced GirlWhat Came of Picking FlowersThe Story of BensurdatuThe Magician's HorseThe Little Gray ManHerr Lazarus and the DrakenThe Story of the Queen of the Flowery IslesUdea and Her Seven BrothersThe White WolfMohammed with the Magic FingerBobinoThe Dog and the SparrowThe Story of the Three Sons of HaliThe Story of the Fair CircassiansThe Jackal and the SpringThe BearThe SunchildThe Daughter Of Buk EttemsuchLaughing Eye and Weeping Eye, or the Limping FoxThe Unlooked-for PrinceThe SimpletonThe Street MusiciansThe Twin BrothersCannetellaThe OgreA Fairy's BlunderLong, Broad, and QuickeyePrunella