A haunted castle. A journey beyond time. The darkness below holds the key to a future untold...It's been a thousand years since Finn Oreah'anza last laid eyes on his ancestral home, the remote fortress known as Ith Ah'anza. Yet, upon his return with his newfound family—Evelyn, Aisling, Lorcan, and Naimh—they find the castle shrouded in darkness and despair.Haunted by the remnants of a long-forgotten civil war, both Finn and the land itself bear the scars of past atrocities, with corruption festering within the castle's very foundations. A corruption that must be cleared if Finn wants to reclaim the fortress as their home.But as they traverse Ith Ah'anza's ruined halls, they discover that it holds more than just memories. For deep below, another force stirs, whispering of forgotten prophecies and the resurgence of an ancient evil. An evil that Finn knows all too well...The Golden Shard, the second novel in the thrilling Tales of Lor'Iyslar series, is a tale of redemption, discovery, and the unyielding power of the past. Amidst lingering threats and ancient curses, Evelyn, Finn, and their friends venture into the dark ruins of Ith Ah'anza, only to find an astonishing revelation that changes everything
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