The Gifted
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Also available direct from Fire cannot exist without Ice. Love cannot exist without Hate. For centuries, They would descend from the heavens, plunder, destroy and then vanish for decades. This time, They have come to stay. The isles of Mitd, which rest in the southern hemisphere of the Planet Jayden, is where our Chronicles begin. The citizens look to their king for answers and protection, but all is not well in the Crown City. Their race is torn by a war with Them while living in a kingdom rife with machination, treachery, never knowing who to trust, fearing the invaders, but living in constant terror of their own monster, Zenti. Pray that Mari will protect us from the horrors of war. The invaders, They seek out all the Gifted and frantically search for the cold-hearted monster Zenti and the beloved savior of which they only hear rumors. They have brought war to Mitd. The solitude of the still evening air briefly calmed the raging fire within. He looked at the silver ring on his left paw and wondered if there was enough blood in the invaders' veins to wash away the sorrow tearing at his empty soul. Memories of his heart's love flooded his mind, bringing a sad, peaceful solace. Angry shouts followed by screams for mercy shattered those peaceful memories, fueling the rage within. A cold hatred numbed his conscious thoughts as he focused on his Gift and with blinding speed raced for the traitorous city of Dotharian, paws glowing brilliant red as his rage fueled him. Sanura, Historical Chronicler of Jayden.
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2012
    • Rabbit Valley
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0971988692
    • ISBN13: 9780971988699

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