A young warrior named Red Feather embarks upon a journey that brings him face-to-face with death...and endangers the lives of his father and the woman Red Feather loves.
Once he was Jean Cartier, a French explorer. Now he is Woodchuck, a proud warrior of the Elk-Dog People whose mission is to introduce his son, Red Feather, to the crucial business of trading. To exchange furs for Spanish weapons of steel, father and son journey through hostile territory peopled by unpredictable tribes. But a warning from a former enemy makes Woodchuck realize too late that the real danger comes from his own countrymen. Soon Red Feather lies near death, wounded by the French and rescued by a beautiful Indian maiden, and his father's only hope is to elude the Europeans before he too becomes a victim of their vengeance.
Set in the New World of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Don Coldsmith's acclaimed novels re-create a time, a place, and a people that have been nearly lost to history. In the Spanish Bit Saga we see history in the making through the eyes of those proud Native Americans who lived it.
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