The Floozies of Fate
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"One look, that one tiny little look, and I knew right then and there that Harry Evans was a heartache waiting to happen. If I'd had a lick of sense, the tiniest shred of sanity, I'd have jumped up from that blue plastic seat and high-tailed it home." If Marty Sheffield had high-tailed it home instead of getting mixed up with minor league baseball player, Harry Evans, she might not have had another go-round with those Floozies of Fate -- Destiny, Chance, and Lady Luck. But, she did, and now they're swarming around her like a pack of bloodthirsty mosquitoes, brewing up all sorts of mayhem and mischief for poor Marty. After a particularly trying first day back to work, Marty finds one of Harry's friends dead on her kitchen floor. Marty must figure out who killed the young woman before the murderer tracks her down, and she runs completely out of time and becomes the next victim.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2013
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1482086603
    • ISBN13: 9781482086607

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