The Eyes of Man is a novel about good and evil! The novel is so long it could not be printed as one volumn, it had to be cut in two, Book 1 and Book 2.Earth is invaded by a swarm of big white balls from space. Some of them land on earth, some of them orbit earth.Earth goes wild with fear! But nothing happens! The big white balls just sit on the ground all over the world. When the big white balls do nothing, the armies post guards and go away. The people lose their fear and go to see the big white balls as the scientists examine them trying to get inside of them and to find out what they are made of? But they fail. The big white balls are impervious to any weapons or tools the people have on earth!Why did the white balls come to earth? No one knows!Where in space did they come from? No one knows!Months later, the big white balls on earth suddenly begin to spew smaller white balls of all sizes into the air from the tops of each big ball like an endless stream of bubbles. The sizes of the smaller white balls range from the size of rice kernels to the size of baseballs; grapefruit; volley balls, basketballs, and some of them 12 inches to 18 inches and bigger in diameter. These small white balls are robots and they can fly.The small white balls go and hover next to every farm animal and pet in the world, protecting them from being harmed by the people and other animals.Then tiny little white balls fly into the farm fields and orchards and vineyards and protect the food plants from insects, killing the insects, protecting the food for the people.Every transportation vehicle of every kind on earth gets a small white ball in the vehicle and on the tip of its exhaust pipe. The white space balls protect each vehicle from people error! No more wrecks, crashes, sinkings! And no more smog!Crime, smog, hunger, want, and sickness is stamped out!Each building on earth get the little white ball robots who protect the buildings from insects, vermin, unauthorized people, fire, and oth
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