The Elephant Hotel: Hedwig & the Tagebuch
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NEWLY PUBLISHED TRUE STORY: THE ELEPHANT HOTEL, HEDWIG & THE TAGEBUCH By: Marie Kobres BoneImmerse yourself in another time and place with the personal unique pages of this beautiful true story - step back in time with the 1877 TAGEBUCH (Journal) kept by Nurse Maria Kinski Pfeil, inherited by 10 year old daughter Hedwig after Maria's sudden death in 1899 . Follow 12 year old Hedwig to Atlantic City, NJ. when forced to leave her father's home in Philadelphia because of a stepmother. Hedwig applied for job with room and board at Gertzen's Elephant Hotel - hired as child's nurse for the Gertzen's infant daughter. In front of Hotel stands the tourist attraction - the "Elephant Building", built in the shape of a mammoth elephant. Hedwig taught to conduct sightseeing tours through this unusual building -- today holds distinction of being first and youngest tour guide of this famous attraction. - 1906 Hedwig met her future husband when he took the elephant building tour. - Take the the Elephant building tour with Hedwig .- travel to Germany with her - follow as she puts bits and pieces of her young life together by reading excerpts in her mother's Tagebuch - learns parts of her early life she barely knew. 85 years after Hedwig left the Elephant Hotel the Elephant building is now on National Historical Registry in Atlantic City, N. J. -Hedwig's 90 year old daughter, Marie Kobres Bone author of this true, interesting Historical Biography is fast becoming a best seller - Born in Richmond VA, a freelance writer living in Suburban Atlanta with husband Doyal. Hobbies include travel, Civil War Relic hunting & Art. author of freelance magazine and newspaper articles- and novels - Knit-One-Purl-Two; Many Trees; Richard & Hedwig; and the Oracle of Hermes.
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    • Oct-2008
    • Authorhouse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1434354741
    • ISBN13: 9781434354747

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