How was it possible for a man, even the world's greatest magician, to survive such a test? His friend, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, thought the answer might lie in spiritualism. And in The Edge of the Unknown Sir Arthur presents astounding evidence that his theory was correct!
Houdini's "supernatura" powers comprised only one area on which the noted master of detective work focused his critical attention. Here Sir Arthur describes in thrilling detail all he uncovered n several decades of psychic investigation.
Because the was convinced for many years that "psychic"occurrences could be explained by natural laws, Conan Doyle was a tough, not-to-be-bamboozled skeptic. The reader will find, then, his testimony especially persuasive--encompassing mediums whose bodies produce ectoplasm; weird prophetic dreams; séances with"ghosts" of Lenin, Oscar Wilde, Dickens and other famous people.
But the most amazing and conclusive evidence here is Sir Arthur's personal experience with the psychic phenomena he had so long challenged. The fact that he did see and hear ghostly manifestations -- on several occasions -- is the best recommendation for anyone who has any remaining doubts to read this very important book!