"In stylish, intimate, and devastating short flashes, The Doctor''s Wife tells the story of three generations of a family in the Pacific Northwest. I read Luis Jaramillo''s beautiful collection in one sitting. This is a ravishing book. I loved every word. It should be required reading for everyone."" -Abigail Thomas ""The Doctor''s Wife is like the runaway child of Evelyn Waugh''s A Handful of Dust-Luis Jaramillo''s acerbic wit and satire are rare finds in America. Pick this up at once."" -Alexander CheeWinner of the Dzanc Short Story Contest, Luis Jaramillo''s The Doctor''s Wife pushes the limits of what a short story collection can be. In stylish, intimate, and devastating short flashes, Jaramillo chronicles the small domestic moments, tragic losses, and cultural upheavals faced by three generations of a family in the Pacific Northwest, creating a moving portrait of an American family and the remarkable woman at its center."""
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