The Dancing Ghosts is a frontier adventure story set during the Revolutionary War period. Written to appeal to teens and young adults, this exciting story follows the courageous settlers in the Kentucky Territory as they face the everyday dangers of trying to carve an existence out of the unforgiving wilderness, as well as the life threatening risks of being constantly surrounded by enemies.The late 1770s was a unique period of turmoil and uncertainty in America. While great battles for independence were being fought in the East, the Western frontier was in the middle of its own dangerous conflicts. One of these encounters began innocently as three friends searched the forest for medicinal herbs. On their way home, they discovered a party of ghost-like figures doing a strange dance among the trees. When word got back to Larkinboro, scouts were sent out to identify what threats these white warriors might pose to the safety of the settlers. But the more that is discovered, the more ominous the danger becomes. Eventually Will Hackett and his friends, Asa Whitlock, Dirt Gurley, and Ember Warren, must risk their lives in a desperate effort to save their families and friends. The terrifying situation even threatens to destroy General George Rogers Clark's vastly outnumbered army.From the first chapter to the last, the excitement never lets up as the reader delves deeper into this thrilling story of the Kentucky frontier. With adventure, humor, and unforgettable characters, this stirring tale of the American wilderness reveals the faithfulness of God, as well as the value of good character.
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