A crystal city, shrouded in myth. An ancient civilisation, long forgotten. One woman's path will decide the destiny of worlds...In the last human city on a dying Earth, Evelyn Carter lives a life of monotony, yearning for a spark of the extraordinary. But a chance fall through a rift in reality transports her to Lor'Iyslar—a realm of myth and forgotten magic. Here, she encounters Finn, exiled from his world and carrying secrets of his own.As Evelyn grapples with her startling new reality, she finds herself drawn into Finn's quest to uncover the lost history of Lor'Iyslar and the mysterious floating crystal city—a legend filled with ancient fae magic, and a history erased by time and war.With Finn as her guide, Evelyn embarks on a perilous journey through the fae world. Legends of ancient artefacts, hidden relics, and the power to reshape destinies come to life as they battle against time and darkness, where the very future of Lor'Iyslar hangs in the balance.But as she stands at the crossroads of two worlds, Evelyn's quest transcends mere survival, challenging her to confront truths about herself and the realities she straddles. Faced with the choice to return to her old life or embrace the wonders of Lor'Iyslar, Evelyn stands before the crystal spire, where a single choice will shape the future of both realms to ultimate glory...or utter destruction.The Crystal Spire is the first novel in the spellbinding Tales of Lor'Iyslar series, blending fantasy and magic with mystery and myth. Evelyn, Finn, and their friends must locate the floating city before mysterious forces do—for whoever possesses the crystal's power holds the fate of the fae world in their hands.
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