The Crimson Pact anthology series is based on the dark fantasy novella, "The Failed Crusade" by Patrick M. Tracy, available for free on or in Volume 1. This ground-breaking origin story features the heroes who made the Pact and followed the demons of the Rusted Vale into the far reaches of the multiverse.
If you enjoy Jim Butcher's Dresden Files; Terry Brooks' Running with Demons (Word and the Void) and Armageddon's Children (Genesis of Shannara Trilogy); Demon Moon in The Guardian Series by Meljean Brook, Larry Correia's Monster Hunter International, or Patricia Briggs When Demons Walk you will love the Crimson Pact series.
"Almost 30 years later The Crimson Pact supplants Clive Barker's Books of Blood series as the modern compendium of fantasy horror short stories.…Whether you buy these for yourself or someone else, any horror, suspense, or dark fiction fan should enjoy the collection." - Lance Roth at
"The demons are not your typical straight-from-Hell, pitchfork-tailed monstrosities, or (perhaps) even in any realistic sense of the term 'native' to Earth. No, the demons you will encounter in The Crimson Pact are rather more like H. P. Lovecraft's Great Old Ones - unknowable creatures from beyond the Void, waiting only their opportunity to invade helpless earths and rule them with devastation and despair." - Author Michael Collings
"I applaud those who brainstormed this, and I can hardly wait to read the Crimson Pact, Volume 2. If you haven't partaken of this little jewel, I encourage you to do so, but beware, what lies beneath a mortal's skin could be something marvelously demonic." -
The Crimson Pact anthology series is based on the acclaimed dark fantasy novella, "The Failed Crusade" by Patrick M. Tracy, available for free on or in Volume 1. This ground-breaking origin story features the heroes who made the Pact, and followed the demons of the Rusted Vale into the far reaches of the multiverse.
The moment of the demons' defeat became their greatest victory.
In the carnage after the last great battle against the demons, a doomed general discovers their hidden victory. Instead of being annihilated, unspeakable evil escaped into many unsuspecting worlds. To fight them, the men and women of the Crimson Pact must sacrifice everything - including their own lives.
Explore 26 stories based on the world created in "The Failed Crusade," by Patrick M. Tracy and included in The Crimson Pact Volume 1, about the valiant men and women who refuse to let the demons win, and those unfortunate souls caught in the epic struggle raging across the multiverse.
With stories by Patrick M. Tracy, Richard Lee Byers, Jess Hartley, Donald J. Bingle, Chris Pierson, Barbara J. Webb, Kelly Swails, Sarah Hans, Patrick S. Tomlinson, Sarah Kanning, Isaac Bell, Elaine Blose, Kathy Watness, Daniel Myers, Justin Swapp, Rebecca L. Brown, Gloria Weber, Garrett Piglia, T.S. Rhodes, Lester Smith, Chanté McCoy, Suzzane Myers, EA Younker, Craig Nybo, and New York Times bestselling author Larry Correia.
Join the pact. Fight the demons now.*
* Note: The proceeds from the sale of this book go to the continued eradication of every red-eyed, soul-stealing, shadow-lurking, flesh-eating, baby-stealing demon in the entire multiverse.
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