Inspired by the famous Girl Detective, the members of the Olentangy Heights Girls' Detective Society, affectionately known as the Nosy Parkers, spent their formative years studying criminology, codes, and capers. Unfortunately, opportunities to put their unique skills to work were thin on the ground in the post-war boom of their little corner of suburbia and they eventually grew up to pursue more sensible careers. Until...
Gemma Gaines gave up mystery solving years ago, but when friend is killed in a hit-and-run, all the instincts honed by years in the Olentangy Heights Girls' Detective Society tell her this may not have been an accident. Then she finds that her friend slipped some cryptic notes into her handbag and she's convinced murder has been done.
With the doggedness of the great Girl Detective herself, Gemma follows up on the clues. Real-life mystery solving isn't as tidy as it is in novels though, and before she knows it, her roommate has been kidnapped and it's all her fault. With the help of a handsome new neighbor â€" who may be more than he seems â€" she is soon on the trail of a counterfeiting ring that would like nothing more than to see her put out of circulation for good.
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