The Cat's Bracelet
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    Traditional Regency
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Her saucy masquerade could solve a mystery...or cost her a matchless love!

Annabelle Makepeace is en route to a position as a lady's companion until a story night's encounter at a coaching inn whirls her into an exchange of identities. A lookalike new friend, Lillie -- bound for her late husband's lavish London townhouse, where she's as yet unknown -- persuades Belle to impersonate her for the Season. Lillie also tempts Annabelle to comb the house -- aided by its mysterious cat -- for a long-lost diamond bracelet...

But such a madcap scheme was bound to snag on something: the divinely handsome Major Gore Lindley, Lillie's childhood friend. Lindley pegs Belle as a fraud and -- learning of her search for the heirloom bracelet -- a shameless fortune hunter! This gallant intends to expose her...even as he battles his reeling heart...
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