Tales of the fascinating adventures of an unlikely pair of detectives who reside and practice in an alternate universe, an England which remains a colonial power. "Writer Welch has produced a marvelous group of entertaining anecdotes in his The CaseBook of Doakes and Haig. Welch and his penchant for tongue-in-cheek has created a delightful group of characters in his fast paced narratives. This is a fun read for a lazy afternoon. I look forward to reading more of Doakes and Haig soon. Highly recommended."--Molly Martin, Word Weaving.com "Welch has his tongue planted firmly in cheek while writing these. He also has his story telling and settings down pat. These are very interesting stories and we learn more about leprechauns and their many secrets and powers than from anywhere else. The characters are well drawn and before the end of the book, become old friends to the reader. I sat down and read this straight through on the day I received it. It's a fun read and one that should add a lot of new readers to the ranks of those who want more from Pat Welch. Recommended highly."--Barry Hunter, Baryon
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