From one of the minds behind The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, Tee Morris comes hardboiled crime fiction...with a twist.
It is The Era of Prohibition, where crime runs rampant in the streets and a city divided into territories serves as the ultimate prize. Somewhere in this Underworld of Chicago, an enchanted weapon holds the key to ending The Gangland Wars. In the wake of The St. Valentine's Day Massacre, only one is man enough to stand up against Al Caponeā¦
...a four-foot-one dwarf named Billibub Baddings.
Get ready for The Lord of the Rings written by Mickey Spillane! Poking fun at the hard-boiled detective novel, Fantasy mainstays, and even the legend of Chicago's 1920 underworld, Tee Morris re-releases to the digital front his award-winning novel.
Cover art by J R Blackwell
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