Although she had been born to American parents, Denise had been raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, and on her return to the United States felt a stranger in a strange land. So it was with some trepidation that she made her way to The Captain's Bridge, the home which her grandfather, a retired sea captain, had built in the form of a ship. She was not reassured by the storm which greeted her, and even less so by the first thing she saw in the house -- a man on the floor who appeared to be dead.
Troubled Heiress…
Standing in the rain outside the Captain's Bridge, her grandfather's house on Monterey Bay, Denise Melbin had an uneasy premonition. Strange that there had been no one to meet her in San Francisco when her ship arrived from South Africa. Stranger still that there didn't seem to b anyone at home. But the door was open and Denise walked in -- to find a body sprawled in the hall! It was a relief to discover that the “corpse” was alive: Curt Melbin, a distant cousin, had only been knocked out by a mysterious intruder. But the young lawyer had another shock for Denise: her grandfather was dead, killed in a tragic accident, and she was his principal heir…if she lived. And when her car was tampered with, then poison put into her drink at a party, it was obvious that someone -- Curt? His charming, happy-go-lucky brother, Alan? Zetta Barger, the stone-faced housekeeper? -- was determined that Denise would never claim her inheritance…
Hero: Curt Melbin
Heroine: Denise Melbin
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