The Brotherhood of Man, an organization controlled by a leader known only as Number 1, threatens the peaceful order of the planet. John and David, wards of Change, set out on a journey which leads them from the Baluchistan monastery hidden in the mountains of central Asia to the capital of the United States where they must confront The Brother hood of Man and put an end to their plans for world domination.
The Brotherhood proffers C. Reginald and John Dickenson's masterful examination of a future where alternative life forms known as composites share a familiar world with humans. In this modern day allegory, the powerful Brotherhood conglomerate, spawned by a desire to completely control humanity, clashes with Chang and his followers, a tenacious group determined to preserve human spirit and freedom.
The Brotherhood is an inspiring tale, vividly described and deftly executed as it explores the development of human relations within a highly advanced technological society and the continuing relevance of the ancient philosophies.