This multi-book series is an epic saga that follows a diverse set of characters through the seven-year Tribulation into the Millennium. Pastors, prayer warriors, FBI/CIA agents, Illuminati leaders, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet vie against each other and God in this compelling drama that presents a strong Biblical case for a pre-wrath rapture that occurs after the midpoint of the Tribulation. This third book follows the two witnesses after they are denounced by the Global Czar (the anti-Christ) as the world's most dangerous fugitives through numerous escapes until they spark a major revival. The Global Army is sent in to quell the "uprising" but must contend against God's miraculous powers at work through and around His two witnesses. The Global Czar and the False Prophet employ a world-renowned CNN reporter to be their spokesperson and lend credibility to their leadership. She is a staunch athesit who becomes entangled in their demonic web. A mysterious minister vies for her soul as she bounces back and forth between darkness and light. Meanwhile, the hideaways expand and form western and eastern Counter-Insurgency Agency campuses and develop a militia group to protect and rescue persecuted Christians. The prayer group goes on the offensive and wages spiritual warfare against the forces of evil. Pastor John Jacobsen was a Director of Management Science at two Fortune 100 corporations, an executive in the software industry, and President of Meals-on-Wheels in Prescott, Arizona. He became a pastor in 2001 and was the founder of the Gospel of Grace Food & Clothing Bank and the Lion of Judah ministries. Pastor Jacobsen also served as the Prayer Coordinator for Yavapai County in Arizona for several years. Reared a Lutheran, John became a pastor in a Pentecostal church and now considers himself to be non-denominational.
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