Your Journey to The Golden City begins here...
A tale of mystery, social morality and second chances during America's Gilded Age, The Art of Love will take you on an unforgettable journey from the last frontier of the Yukon Territory to the new Sodom and Gomorrah of its time - the boomtown of San Francisco.
After digging a fortune from the frozen fields of the Klondike, August Wolff heads south to the “Golden City,” hoping to put the unsolved disappearance of his wife and daughter behind him. The turn of the twentieth century brings him even more success, but the distractions of a hedonistic mecca can't fill the gaping hole in his life.
Amelia Starling is a wildly talented artist caught in the straightjacket of Old New York society. Making a heart-breaking decision, she moves to San Francisco to further her career, all the while living with the pain of a sacrifice no woman should ever have to make.
Brought together by the city's flourishing art scene, Gus and Lia forge a rare connection. But the past, shrouded in mystery, prevents the two of them from moving forward as one. Unwilling to face society's scorn, Lia leaves the city and vows to begin again in Europe.
The Golden City offers everything a man could wish for except the answers Gus is desperate to find. But find them he must, or he and Lia have no chance at all.
The Art of Love has earned the following awards:
A Notable Indie Book of 2014
Silver Ippy Award
New Apple Medalist
Editor's Choice " Idaho Book Awards
The Art of Love is Book One in A.B. Michaels' historical fiction series "The Golden City." Other titles in the series include The Depth of Beauty, The Promise, The Price of Compassion and Josephine's Daughter.
The story continues into present day with Michaels' contemporary series “Sinner's Grove Suspense,” featuring descendants of characters from "The Golden City." Books include Sinner's Grove, The Lair, and The Jade Hunters.
All of A.B. Michaels' titles are stand-alone reads.
For more information, please visit the author's website.
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