Humanity stands at the brink of extinction. In the days after the apocalypse, a handful of survivors travel to a distant shore in search of a strange radio transmission with the hopes of discovering others who survived the end of the world. The would-be rescuers quickly discover that something sinister still lurks in the shadows, threatening the survival of all. Final Dawn is a thrilling post-apocalyptic world that follows the journey of those who survived the end of days. Full of fast-paced, gripping action, this post-apocalyptic trilogy will keep you glued to the edge of your seat as you read about ordinary men and women pushed beyond their breaking point as they struggle to survive in a hostile and brutal world. This box set contains the following books: Final Dawn: Archangel Rising Final Dawn: Archangel Falling Final Dawn: Archangel Triumphant The Arkhangelsk Trilogy is the first follow-up series to the critically acclaimed original Final Dawn series ( In the Arkhangelsk Trilogy you'll follow along with the survivors of the apocalypse as they desperately try to cope with the new world.
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