The sequel to Pretty Weapon, and second in the Different Novel Trilogy. After being captured by the New Institution, Kitty was more than surprised to be rescued by a bunch of superhero-wannabes. Now, the ex-perfect weapon is struggling to find her place in their 'real' world of teenage melodrama. It may seem nothing like the Institution, but she'll have plenty of bounty hunters and alleged mobsters to make her feel at home. Although the players have changed, the stakes have only risen. The Overseer is still at large, and Scylla is looming on the horizon. Not to mention that the voices in Kitty's head are getting stronger, bringing with them the Flashes. With the loss of her Difference, Kitty may not be as strong as she once was, but she's certainly not going down without a fight. 390, Kitty Lee - no matter what name you know her by, she's back.
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