When Jonathan Hale went off on a three-month vacation to Mexico, his niece, Gabrielle Hale, took over the heady job of acting as the real estate agent for the fifty-unit condominium complex that her uncle had recently built. Only a few units had been sold so far, but Gabrielle had the utmost confidence in her ability to draw in a steady stream of prospective buyers.
But it seemed that Bluehaven was fated to suffer one setback after another. And Gabrielle as well. First there was the attempted break-in into Gabrielle's own apartment unit by an unknown assailant, and then there were the repeated attempts of Arnold Royal, her uncle's young, authoritative lawyer, to thwart Gabrielle's plans for promoting business. And the one day Gabrielle was accosted in her office by a seedily dressed, rough-manned man who had obviously had one drink too many. And as if Gabrielle's lack of sales were not enough to keep her awake at night, there was the fire that suddenly broke out one evening in one of the unoccupied buildings.
Gabrielle was convinced that someone was determined to see that Bluehaven--and therefore her uncle--failed. And her dread increased as she realized that she was practically alone in her conviction that before too long the evil she sensed all around her would manifest itself in some new, terrifying way.
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