From the Books of Nine Lives series by award-winning author, Pleasant DeSpain.
The people of every culture and country tell tales of wisdom and justice. Wisdom tales remind us of the value of human experience, and that where there is wisdom, there is usually justice. These tales remind us fairness is necessary if we are to continue to live together as human beings. These tales represent many cultures and countries from around the world.
You'll find ten tales of wisdom and justice, including: "Pandora's Box" from Ancient Greece, "SeƱor Coyote, the Judge" from Mexico, "The Wisdom of Solomon" from Israel, and "The Golden Pitcher" from Mongolia.
Pleasant DeSpain is the author of numerous collections of multicultural stories, including the highly regarded Thirty-Three Multicultural Tales to Tell, Sweet Land of Story, and The Emerald Lizard. He has traveled all over the United States and the world, collecting stories to share with children and adults.