Tales From The Grave is a ghostly collection of short stories brought to you by Zimbell House Publishing, showcasing thirty-six new voices to tempt you. Some of these stories are sure to have you looking over your shoulder... Others will have you hiding under the covers... Some will simply haunt you to your grave. Featured Contributors: Alexa Vogel A.E. Santana B.T. Joy Bruce Markuson Chad McClendon C.E. Stokes Couri Johnson Curtis Wells Dewey & Janette Alexis Dewey David J. Gibbs David Groveman DJ Tyrer David W. Landrum Dawn Sooy E.W. Farnsworth Jason McDonald Jeremiah Murphy John Robinson Jon Shank Karly Malone Kathleen Murphey Kip McKnight Kristina R. Mosley Lionel Ray Green Lucky Breaks Mac Jones Matthew Wilson Melissa Meyers Michelle Biddex-Simmons Myles Wren Parineeta Singh Patrick Alven Peter Cooper Ross Baxter Sharon Frame Gay S.L. Dixon Stephen McQuiggan
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