6 dark tales for a sleepless night from multi-genre author K. H. Koehler, ranging from the humorous to the macabre, and all worlds in between...
Bad Hand Man
In the post-apocalyptic world of the Skillet, fourteen-year-old Jake Stryker lives a miserable existence as an indentured slave to the Crayton clan. Then the Bad Hand Man blows into town and Jake's life changes dramatically. But is it for the better?
The Innkeeper's Widow
Marie vowed revenge on a land as ruthless and uncaring as a psychopath. And soon she'll reap the fruits of that same land. Formerly available only at booksignings.
In Her Own Image
Anjou is gifted, or perhaps cursed, with a strange power. When Anjou gets angry, people get hurt. And Anjou is very, very angry. An original short story unavailable anywhere else and never before published.
Retirement Home
With the economy as bad as it is, what are a bunch of washed-up B-movie icons going to do? Throw a party, make some cash, raise some hell. Literally. Formerly available only as a limited chapbook.
He Tastes Like Spring
Eden is unearthly, eternal. Like an angel or extraterrestrial being, she is perfect in every way. She does not cry or rage. Her body is all pure oiled machinery, her eyes clear, blood singing, thoughts pure. And her daughter, Charlotte, is none of those things.
The Clockwork Vampire
Bonus story:Read the beginnings of Mr. and Mrs. McGillicuddy's romance.
You may never sleep again.
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