"Taken in Darkness" is a deliciously exciting anthology of seven short stories with a paranormal bent; written for those brave enough to part the veil and peer into a monster's bedroom. Isabella - a young Vampire who thought unlife wasn't all it was cracked up to be receives a pleasant surprise from her "father"; a story about broken chains. Andrea - a Werewolf with the blood of a warrior fights for her right to lead a pack of chauvinistic males; a story about dominance. Isaac - a celibate priest comes to a beautiful woman's aid only to find himself consumed by urges he can no longer contain; a story about corruption. Amber - a trio of young Witches offer their bodies and carnal pleasures to the Moon Goddess in a ritual of fertility; a story about veneration. The Sailor - a simple man gets a second chance at life only to come face to face with a legendary creature; a story about survival. Kyle - a cheating boyfriend returns home, proud of his conquest, and finds a sexy but wickedly cruel entity waiting for him; a story about punishment. Sariel - a beautiful Angel is torn between duty and a life she's always known, and a Fallen Angel whom she desperately craves; a story about true love.
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