Taken! - Breakout!
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TAKEN! - BREAKOUT! It's now days after the deadly crash and Jessica still holds out hope as the bodies of Juliet and her husband have yet to be recovered. Meanwhile, Sarah Callaway, sister of prime suspect Dave Callaway has a theory as to why no bodies have been found, a theory that, while disturbing, at least does offer a hope for survival. And yet, in the end, reality comes crashing down and Jessica must deal with the fact that her husband is gone. After miraculously surviving a deadly helicopter crash, Dr. White's husband succumbs to immense fatigue brought on by his struggle to live. Joe Cowley is just drifting through life after a tragic event, but when he comes upon Dr. White's husband, he doesn't even hesitate to try to help the injured stranger. Just as Joe thinks he's found help, he and the stranger are abducted, and the real struggle for survival begins.
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    • Feb-2015
    • Year Zero Publishing
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1937120821
    • ISBN13: 9781937120825

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