This fan-fiction story (alternate fiction?) begins near the end of Suki IV: Finally A Vacation (War With Iran), as John and Suki begin the drive back to Arlington, Virginia from Maynardville, Tennessee. It does not follow the same history and timeline as the original Suki Series, by John Tagliaferro (and a little help from me), it incorporates Sarah's work from John and Suki: Vacation Fun, following on the recovery of the couple after their brutal kidnapping by Mike and Honey.
John and Suki were conditioned into obedience by their kidnappers in John and Suki: Vacation Fun and the government did not cure them before releasing them after their rescue. Both Suki and John have some risky sexual escapades before seeking the emotional and psychological help that they need.
Suki needs other help too. Mike and Honey conditioned her to kill on command and fixing that behavior is not as straightforward as the rest.
This is my first stab at writing something like this “on my own,” sort of. John and Sarah were a great help with the outline and proofing. Special thanks to them both for nudging me into giving it a go.
You can find the original Suki adult romance series on Kindle here:
Sarah's fan fiction Suki story, John and Suki: Vacation Fun, is here:
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