An anthology showcasing the very best steampunk stories from three different countries released by three different publishers in three different languages.
From the UK, George Mann (a new Newbury & Hobbes tale), Jonathan Green (a new Pax Brittania tale), and Derry O'Dowd; from Finland, Magdalena Hai (winner of the Atorox Award and the Finnish Literary Export Prize), multiple award-winning Anne Leinonen, and J.S. Meresmaa (whose work has been shortlisted for the Anni Polva, Kuvastaja, and Atorox Awards); and from Portugal, Anton Stark, Diana Pinguicha, and Pedro Cipriano (winner of Fórum Fantástico's Choice of the Year Award).
Introduction by Ian Whates
Steampunk UK
Seasons of Wither - George Mann
Reckless Engineering - Jonathan Green
The Athenian Dinner Party - Derry O'Dowd
Steampunk Finland
Foreword by J.S. Meresmaa
The Winged Man Isaac - Magdalena Hai
The Cylinder Hat - Anne Leinonen
Augustine - J.S. Meresmaa
Steampunk Portugal
Foreword by Pedro Cipriano
Videri Quam Esse - Anton Stark
The Desert Spider - Pedro Cipriano
Heart of Stone - Diana Pinguicha