If someone gave you all the money in the world, just what would you do with it?Finally free of Earth and all of his connections to it, Dave Walker can now focus on his family’s fledgling cargo company, and start considering his future goals as an engineer. There is still the small matter of the agreement he made with his grandfather, one of the richest men in the solar system, but Dave knows his brother won’t be solving the FTL issue anytime soon. So he’s got time. However, there are forces on Earth that, while Dave may believe he is done with them, are by no means done with Dave. An escalating tit-for-tat is about to begin, over issues that will one day be worth far more money and power than he or anyone else can imagine—an escalation that will soon spiral out of all control, and Dave will find himself with no choice but to unleash the horrors of war on an unsuspecting populace. A war that will exact a price from his own flesh and blood before it is over.
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