Something Good
  • Published:
    Oct-2021 (Hardcover)
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    General Fiction
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A sensitive, timely and ultimately uplifting portrayal of how an elementary school struggles, copes, and heals together after "something bad" is discovered written on the wall, illustrated by bestselling artist Corinna LuykenThis kind of thing won't be tolerated at our school, the principal declares the day the "bad-something" is discovered written on a wall. The incident makes the kids nervous, giggly, and curious at first, but then they're worried, confused, sad and angry. Everyone is suspicious. Who did it, and why? They miss the days before the bad-something appeared, because everything—and everyone—feels different now. It takes a lot of talking, listening, looking, and creating something good together to find a way to heal. The story acknowledges that while the scars of such incidents remain, it is possible to teach tolerance and feel true community once again.Written and illustrated by the acclaimed creators of Adrian Simcox Does NOT Have a Horse!, here is a brave book about the power of words that tackles one of the most difficult topics for elementary school-aged children—hate speech—in a direct, realistic, and empathetic manner.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2021
    • Little, Brown
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 075955742X
    • ISBN13: 9780759557420

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