Based on the Disney Original Movie Sneakerella, this early reader is filled with all the exciting moments from the film. In this modern reimagination of the Cinderella fairy tale, El, an aspiring sneaker designer from Queens falls for Kira King, the fiercely independent daughter of legendary basketball star and sneaker tycoon. Young fans will love being able to follow the story from the Disney Original movie with a leveled reader. Explore the World of Reading Disney's World of Reading series provides emerging readers with books that inspire and excite them, featuring characters they love. Each level is designed to help readers navigate the wonderful world of reading at just the right pace. Be sure to check out other World of Reading: Level 2 readers: World of Reading: Descendants 3: Stronger Together World of Reading: Disney Zombies 2: Call to the Wild World of Reading: Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Allies & Enemies
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