Sleeping the Churchyard Sleep
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Isolated in a small community in 1950s West Virginia, Olivia knows her life will always be predictable and limited -- being struck down with polio has assured that. But that was before a stranger walked into town. Jeb McDowell is a man with a tragic past who is faced with an even more tragic present. When he is murdered, the entire town becomes complicit in concealing an old crime. Olivia will need every bit of courage she can summon to face down the killer in her community, and bring an old injustice to light before she, too, sleeps the churchyard sleep. “A rich and loving portrait of a place and its colorful people. Rett MacPherson's smart, curious heroine is a sharp and caustic observer of the sleepy mountain community that has formed her whole life -- until a stranger comes to town and shows her how wide the world can be. Sleeping the Churchyard Sleep is steeped in a powerful sense of place and time as it explores the mystical pull of the past, the unbreakable bonds of family, and the tendency of secrets to come to light.” - Sharon Shinn, author of the Shifting Circle Series.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2014
    • Word Posse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0990839206
    • ISBN13: 9780990839200

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