Hundreds of clues are out there. Facts or incidents that are still waiting for an explanation. But they're scattered. That's the problem. You'll see a network sound byte that seems mysterious, but it's gone and forgotten in a few seconds. The same with news stories, particularly in the foreign press. Most of us don't read them or take the trouble to put them into a meaningful context.
Some fine journalist, historians, and writers have all had their shot at explaining 9/11. I quote a few in the text here, and thank them for their help. But in the end, I'm still as mystified as the average American.
It's one big whodunit. Not knowing the answer, I've fallen back on the strategy (or the dodge) of the novelist. I ask the "what if?" questions. If this happened, then what if that also happened and leads us on down the road into as a German monk in the 13th century put it, "the cloud of unknowing."
So come in and share mine, if you will, and if you can move one or two of us further along to truth, then at least we've started to learn what we must learn, if we hope to save our beloved nation.