Tanisha Davis wants nothing more than for her mother to love her unconditionally. She had to stand by and watch how her two sisters have a loving relationship with their mother, while she had to endure the emotional and physical abuse.
Stacy Archie blamed Tanisha for breaking up her first marriage, and for the rape she received from her father, at which Tanisha is the product of. Stacy never told her mother, and talking to her two sisters, Reva and Mariah, is a definitely a no-no.
Unable to provide for her family, Stacy moves into a woman's shelter.
Fate, though, gets her out of the shelter, into a beautiful home, and the clubbing lifestyle. Her new husband, Carl Archie, gives her the love and securities she lacked from home. He begins to take on a role as a father to Vickie, Tanisha and their child together, Candice.
Carl is the founder and head of his own financial advisor company, and also works part-time as a deejay at Club Lucky on the weekend. He wants balance, the family lifestyle, and his secret affair from his wife, Stacy Archie.
Unable to live with her mother, Tanisha finally decides to leave Detroit and move in with her sister, so she could start a new life in Florida.
A trusting new life with her fiancé, she realizes her that hidden secrets and lies were too much to bear. Instead of Tanisha learning to forgive and move on with her life, she opts for revenge--which ultimately backfires!"
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