Silent Sisters
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For years, Jenny and sister Kim suffered horrendous physical and sexual abuse at the hands of their father. They survived in part because of their closeness and their determination to be there for each other.

Both sisters left home at the earliest opportunity to escape but before long, Jenny was embroiled in a relationship with an abusive man that kept her locked in a cycle of violence and fear. Their lives followed parallel paths, with first marriage, then kids and always the terror that things would never change. Eventually, with a lot of love, grit and courage they helped each other to climb out of the pit of despair and truly free themselves from the legacy of the past.

Every bit as harrowing and inspiring as Behind Closed Doors, this is a story of the power of unstintingly loyal love.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2012
    • Hodder & Stoughton (Canada)
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1444718118
    • ISBN13: 9781444718119
    • Nov-2013
    • Hodder & Stoughton
    • eBook (Kindle)

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