In a secret parallel world to Atlanta, Georgia, a group of shape-shifting Hungarian-Americans trains to combat alien werewolf-like warriors, Morois, and dragons in the virtual reality, Great Game. The game was created by the alien Dariens to help humans combat the evil, alien Siguldian Empire. Previously, Gareth Gyorgi Owen and Mariska Gabor, were sent to the planet Darien in the Orion Nebula to mount a guerilla warfare attempt to oust the Siguldian, who have invaded Darien. There the Siguldian forces were led by General Azamat. Now, General Azamat is on Earth attempting to obtain a hydrogen bomb. He is using the remake of an absurd movie, Alien Ghost Riders of the Purple Mesa, to get close to the DOE's Pantex nuclear weapons facility. Will Gareth, aided by Zsa Zsa Cohen and Stanley Botos, be able to thwart Azamat.
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