Winner of Storytelling World Award Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Not-Ready-for-Newbery & Recommended Reference Title Pegasus Award
As any good storyteller knows, audience participation often makes the difference between a so-so story and a terrific tale. Here, veteran performer Margaret Read MacDonald shares her experience in this collection of multicultural stories that involve plenty of audience involvement. You'll find riddle stories, improvisational stories, singing tales, tandem tales, and much more.
The twenty stories in Shake-It-Up Tales! are easy to learn and easy to tell. and MacDonald prefaces each one with different ways of involving the audience, from implementing a simple refrain to casting characters in the lead roles. Additionally, she provides an extensive list of resources and guides for each element of audience participation (or story play, as she calls it). Shake-It-Up Tales! is invaluable for anyone telling stories to children â€" parents, grandparents, teachers, and librarians.