With the future at their fingertips, only the past can stand in their way...When the Starship Halcyon crash lands on Planet Kao, Dexter Thompson gets a field promotion to ship's ambassador from finish carpenter and his world turns upside down. How can a man who works with wood and levels lead a crew? But lead he must, for Dexter must confront an alien welcoming committee. When a blue-haired beauty, Laize, steps forward as their leader, he now has a new fear—falling in love with a being who is out of his world and out-of-bounds. Laize never believed in the prophesies, but when a ship drops from sky and lands at the base of Mount Denair she can no longer deny that the future she most fears may in fact have some basis in reality. As the alien council's emissary, she must act in their best interests, even if their interests threaten her well-being...and the ice that shrouds her heart. Dexter and Laize must act fast to avert a modern day gold rush that threatens the survival of the ship's crew and the planet's alien inhabitants. If they fail, only one thing is certain...all they love and care about will fall victim to the winds of change and the ashes of the past.
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