Second Chance Crush
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    Contemporary Romance
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My summer in Tokyo just got a lot hotter...Getting a real-life chance with your old high school crush doesn't happen every day. But then Finn O'Leary lends me five dollars and says I can buy him a coffee sometime to pay him back.I don't expect to be buying him coffee in Tokyo.That's what happens when your dad takes a job in Japan and drags you along for summer break. If I'd known Finn would be there, too, I'd have been thrilled, not resentful. Next thing I know, we're exploring the temples and tangled streets of Tokyo together - sharing painful truths about my dead mother and his sketchy past.But the biggest surprise? Finn doesn't think he deserves me. Even as we get closer, he holds back, while I fall faster than a penny dropped from the top of Tokyo Tower. Unless I can convince him to see himself the way I see him, my heart is going to get crushed.
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