Scarborough Hall
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    Historical Romance
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Amon Gentry returned to his Georgia hometown a successful and wealthy writer. He bought Scarborough Hall, restored its antebellum magnificence, and looked forward to a life of quiet contemplation and work.

But the spirit of Scarborough Hall showed him no rest. Old crimes were unavenged and new terrors undulated beneath the shadowy surface of Southern gentility. Passion suddenly erupted when Laura, the woman for whom Amon had fled the town twenty years before, sought his love again only to be driven from Scarborough Hall by a jealous spirit.

Then Emmaline Beulah came to Amon's house, and the young girl's body became wracked by possession and driven toward an unnatural alliance. Amon was drawn into the maelstrom. A spectre called from the long-dead past to inhabit his body, and Amon found his identity and his very life in peril.
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