Sasha Bishop is the Slayer who is married to 168-year-old vampire hotty Andrew "Hutch" Hutcherson. Together they have battled his father, his psycho ex-girlfriend, and high school. Nothing could have prepared Sasha for her next mission in life...motherhood!
Now a freshman in college, Sasha prepares for the birth of her daughter, the final battle with the vamps of Craig's Creek, and the search for missing vampire friend, Marybeth. Her plans take a nose dive when evil vampire Blake Hutcherson, half-brother of Hutch, arrives in Craig's Creek with a hidden agenda. He wants his half-brother dead so he can have Sasha and her daughter for himself.
Sasha makes plans to destroy the vamps from Craig's Creek once and for all. She forms a wary alliance with Blake, much to the annoyance of Hutch, to discover the truth.
Is it Blake or Preston Perry Beacom, III, behind the sudden vamp infestation? To learn the truth and protect her loved ones, Sasha strikes a bargain with Blake that could save them all or destroy her family forever.